Summer School Talks


Here are the currently confirmed summer school talks!

  • Provable security and the quantum random oracle model
  • Speaker: Kathrin Hövelmanns

  • Abstract: The aim of provable security is to reduce the risk that cryptographic designers need to find ad-hoc improvements for their designs due to emerging attacks. Although this risk might never be fully ruled out, provable security can serve as a tool to identify potential breaking points.

  • Recent advances in computing discrete logarithms in finite fields
  • Speaker: Pierrick Gaudry

  • Abstract: The discrete logarithm problem in finite fields is the basis of the security of many deployed cryptographic products. Prime fields (of the form Z/pZ, for a prime p) are frequently used, and in the realm of pairing-friendly elliptic curves, fields of cardinality p^k are involved, where k is around 10.

  • Formal verification of electronic voting systems
  • Speaker: Véronique Cortier

  • Abstract: Electronic voting aims at guaranteeing apparently conflicting properties: no one should know how I voted and yet, I should be able to check that my vote has been properly counted. Electronic voting belongs to the large family of security protocols, that aim at securing communications against powerful adversaries that may read, block, and modify messages.

  • Secret Key Recovery from Partial Information in the Pre- and Post-Quantum World
  • Speaker: Alexander May

  • Abstract: Some cryptographic schemes, like RSA, have the remarkable property that partial leakage of their secret key leads to efficient full secret key recovery (in polynomial time). In this talk, we question the common belief that modern post-quantum schemes are widely resistant to full secret key recovery from partial information.

  • Six Attacks on Matrix
  • Speaker: Martin Albrecht

  • Abstract: Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, federated, real-time communication over the Internet. In particular, the specification defines a federated communication protocol allowing clients, with accounts on different Matrix servers, to exchange messages across the entire ecosystem.

  • Formally Analysing Secure Messaging
  • Speaker: Benjamin Dowling

  • Abstract: The last decade has seen the rapid adoption and widespread use of secure messaging schemes: chat applications that enable end-to-end encryption between two or more parties. These services are integrated into our personal and professional lives, and even used for highly sensitive and confidential communication. WhatsApp alone claims two billion active users and is used across government departments within the UK, Telegram half a billion active users, and Matrix is used across the public sector within the EU.

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Systems
  • Speaker: Joost Renes

  • Abstract: NIST recently announced Kyber and Dilithium as first winners of their post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standardization effort. While the two are more suitable for constrained applications relative to other PQC schemes, their implementation in commercial embedded platforms still poses a non-trivial challenge, especially since many embedded use cases require hardening against physical attacks.

  • Computer Security: An effect, not a goal
  • Speaker: Tobias Fiebig

  • Abstract: Building secure digital infrastructure is often seen as the ultimate goal of the field of computer security. As researchers, we do our best to contribute to this goal, and develop new technology focused at securing existing and future systems; From the hardware layer, over cryptography, operating systems, and systems' security, to network security, intrusion detection, and ultimately usable security and privacy.

  • Hardware: an essential partner to cryptography
  • Speaker: Ingrid Verbauwhede

  • Abstract: This presentation is an update with the addition of some new topics of the 2022 IACR Distinguished lecture.

  • What could possibly go wrong? Security and Privacy in 5G/nextG Mobile Networks
  • Speaker: Christina Pöpper

  • Abstract: In this talk, we will delve into the past, present, and future of cellular/mobile network security. Our discussion will center around the crucial aspects of the current 5G security architecture and how it mitigates or prevents attacks.

  • On lightweight symmetric crypto design and implementation aspects
  • Speaker: Christoph Dobraunig

  • Abstract: In this talk, we give an overview on several prominent lightweight cryptographic designs. Afterwards, we discuss threats for such designs on the implementation level, like side-channel and fault attacks. Finally, we discuss strategies on the mode level that can make implementation attacks harder.

  • The Power of Fault Attacks and its Combination with Side-Channels
  • Speaker: Shivam Bhasin

  • Abstract: Fault attacks are considered among critical threat to embedded cryptography. This talk will explore the power of fault attacks along three distinct avenues. We present Persistent Fault Analysis (PFA) and how it can break redundancy based countermeasures and higher order masking with just one fault. PFA also shows great performance under multiple faults. Next, we discuss low-complexity fault attack on post quantum cryptography with LWE construction. The attacks can target different operations like Nonce based key generation, NTT operations etc. Practical attacks are reported on NIST PQC winners Kyber and Dilithium. Finally some countermeasures will be discussed.

  • From Skyjacking to Carjacking: Challenges and Opportunities in Securing Modern Navigation Technologies
  • Speaker: Aanjhan Ranganathan

  • Abstract: Modern transportation systems rely heavily on accurate positioning and navigation technologies, which have become increasingly vulnerable to security threats. In this talk, we will explore the security challenges associated with secure positioning and navigation in modern vehicles, including the impact of GPS spoofing on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and the security problems of instrument landing systems used in aviation as one of the primary means of navigation aid for landing.

  • Privacy and protection in unbounded information ecosystems
  • Speakers: Martha Larson, Zhuoran Liu

  • Abstract: Information ecosystems include data, AI (machine learning) algorithms, and people. We introduce the practical aspects of designing threat models for privacy and protection in such ecosystems and discuss the challenges that their unbounded nature presents.

  • Overview of Distributed Cryptography
  • Speaker: Trevor Perrin

  • Abstract: Sometimes we want some functionality to be performed by a set of entities, such that no single entity is fully trusted. Examples range from threshold signatures and decryption; anonymity networks; multi-party computation; and "consensus" in crypto-currencies.


Here are the currently confirmed school speakers!


Kathrin Hövelmanns

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands

Pierrick Gaudry

LORIA Nancy, France

Véronique Cortier

LORIA Nancy, France

Alexander May

Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

Martin Albrecht

King’s College London, UK

Benjamin Dowling

University of Sheffield, UK

Joost Renes

NXP Semiconductors, The Netherlands

Tobias Fiebig

Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany

Ingrid Verbauwhede

COSIC, KU Leuven, Belgium

Christina Pöpper

NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE

Christoph Dobraunig

Intel, Austria

Shivam Bhasin

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Aanjhan Ranganathan

Northeastern University, Boston, USA

Martha Larson

Radboud University, The Netherlands

Zhuoran Liu

Radboud University, The Netherlands

Trevor Perrin

Signal Group