Deep learning-based side-channel attacks entered the profiling attack
field in recent years, promising more competitive performance than other
techniques. Indeed, such attacks are powerful as they can break targets
protected with countermeasures but are also "easier" to deploy as they
do not require pre-processing and feature selection.
This tutorial will provide an overview of the developments in deep
learning-based side-channel attacks. We will cover relevant topics like
data augmentation, neural network selection, hyperparameter tuning,
evaluation of the attack performance, explainability, and custom neural
network elements (loss functions, activation functions).
The tutorial will cover both the theoretical and the practical aspects.
The attendees can run the code on their laptops and tweak some
well-known approaches presented in the last few years.
Bio: Stjepan Picek is an associate professor at Radboud University,
The Netherlands. His research interests are security/cryptography,
machine learning, and evolutionary computation. Prior to the
associate professor position, Stjepan was an assistant professor at
TU Delft, and a postdoctoral researcher at MIT, USA and KU Leuven,
Belgium. Stjepan finished his PhD in 2015 with a topic on cryptology
and evolutionary computation techniques. Stjepan also has several
years of experience working in industry and government. Up to now,
Stjepan has given more than 30 invited talks and published more than
150 refereed papers. He is a program committee member and reviewer
for a number of conferences and journals, and a member of several
professional societies. His work has been featured in the mainstream
media and on popular technology blogs.