
DISTANT Training School

Join us at the DISTANT Project Training School on post-quantum crypto and implementation attacks taking place from Sunday, June 2nd, to Monday, June 3rd, right before and one day in parallel to the summer school.

DISTANT Training School Focus and Goals

At the DISTANT Project Training School, we focus on the intersection of post-quantum cryptography and implementation attacks. The school will offer detailed talks on how post-quantum cryptographic algorithms can be evaluated and strengthened against implementation attacks. We will showcase the latest research and methodologies in detecting and mitigating these threats, with a focus on deep learning techniques tailored for post-quantum scenarios. Take advantage of this opportunity to shape the future of cryptographic security, where cutting-edge post-quantum resilience meets practical side-channel analysis and deep learning.


  • Registration for the DISTANT training school is free, but the available seats are limited. Please register here and provide a brief motivation explaining why you want to participate: registration form.
  • The deadline for applying is April 25 May 10. We will inform you via email if you can attend.

DISTANT Training School Talks

Here are the currently confirmed DISTANT Training School talks!

  • Side-Channel Attacks on Implementations of CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium PQC Algorithms
  • Speaker: Elena Dubrova

  • Abstract: With the advent of quantum computing and the threat it poses to current public key cryptographic systems, there is a need for new, post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) solutions. The state-of-the-art in PQC is quickly moving from research to standards, implementation, and deployment. The 3GPP is planning to introduce PQC algorithms in 5G as soon as the final NIST and IETF standards are published.

  • Hard problems in post-quantum cryptography
  • Speaker: Monika Trimoska

  • Abstract: The public-key cryptosystems that we have been relying on for years are vulnerable to adversaries with a large quantum computer, and the cryptographic community is actively looking for post-quantum alternatives for protecting our data and communications. The solutions are found in computationally hard problems arising from a variety of mathematical structures that come with different practical challenges. Our current focus is shifting towards addressing the challenge of securing the devices embedded into today’s technology like cars, ATMs, and automatic door locks.

  • Classic Rewind and Fast-forward to PQC: Lessons Learned from AI-assisted SCAf
  • Speaker: Fatemeh Ganji

  • Abstract: Over the past few years, there has been a considerable increase in research efforts into AI-assisted side-channel analysis (SCA). Despite the rise in the number of studies devoted to this topic, some questions remain unanswered, and questionable approaches and conclusions are presented in some studies.

  • Backscattered Side-Channel Attacks and Countermeasures
  • Speaker: Shahin Tajik

  • Abstract: Most physical SCAs rely on the unavoidable influence of computation or storage on current consumption or voltage drop on a chip. Such data-dependent influence can be exploited by passive methods (e.g., power or electromagnetic analysis) to recover secret information. Over the last two decades, several effective countermeasures have been proposed to protect the device against passive SCAs.

  • Secure implementations of Post-quantum schemes
  • Speaker: Gustavo Banegas

  • Abstract: Physical security for cryptographic schemes is now a necessity. In modern cryptography, we are no longer dealing solely with personal computers; instead, we are dealing with various processes, necessitating the secure implementation of the scheme.

  • Blind side channel attack on pair-pointwise multiplication of CRYSTAL-Kyber
  • Speaker: Azade Rezaeezade

  • Abstract: Kyber KEM, a key encapsulation mechanism selected by NIST for its post-quantum cryptography standards, has faced numerous side-channel attacks. Many of these attacks primarily focus on the decapsulation procedure, where the attacker needs either prior knowledge of the ciphertexts or the ability to manipulate them to extract the secret key. However, there has been a gap in knowledge regarding attacks in a "blind" setting, where the attacker has no access to the ciphertexts. In this talk we will discuss this gap and introduce the first blind side-channel attack targeting Kyber KEM, focusing on the leakage from the pointwise multiplication operation in the decryption process to enable full key recovery.

  • Navigating the Landscape of Side-Channel Attacks and Fault Attacks on Kyber KEM
  • Speakers: Shivam Bhasin, Dirmanto Jap, Prasanna Ravi

  • Abstract: In this talk, we will be presenting a detailed survey on reported side-channel attacks on Kyber KEM, with particular focus on attacks targeting the decapsulation procedure for key recovery. The type of attacks possible on Kyber KEM, vary depending upon scenarios whether the attacker has knowledge or control over the input to the decapsulation procedure.

DISTANT Training School Speakers

Here are the currently confirmed DISTANT Training School speakers!


Elena Dubrova

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

Shivam Bhasin

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Monika Trimoska

Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Fatemeh Ganji

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), MA, USA

Shahin Tajik

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, USA

Gustavo Banegas

Qualcomm, France

Azade Rezaeezade

TU Delft, The Netherlands

Dirmanto Jap

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Prasanna Ravi

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

DISTANT Schedule

Here is our event programme!


June 14:00 - 15:00

Hard problems in post-quantum cryptography


June 15:00 - 16:00

Part I: Navigating the Landscape of Side-Channel Attacks and Fault Attacks on Kyber KEM


June16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

  • At: Imperial Hotel Vodice


June 16:30 - 18:00

Part II: Navigating the Landscape of Side-Channel Attacks and Fault Attacks on Kyber KEM


June 9:30 - 10:30

Classic Rewind and Fast-forward to PQC: Lessons Learned from AI-assisted SCA


June10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

  • At: Imperial Hotel Vodice


June 11:00 - 12:30

Side-Channel Attacks on Implementations of CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium PQC Algorithms


June12:30 - 14:00


  • At: Imperial Hotel Vodice


June 14:00 - 15:30

Secure implementations of Post-quantum schemes


June15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break

  • At: Imperial Hotel Vodice


June 16:00 - 17:00

Backscattered Side-Channel Attacks and Countermeasures


June17:00 - 17:45

Blind side channel attack on pair-pointwise multiplication of CRYSTAL-Kyber


DISTANT School Official Sponsors

Here you can find our official sponsors!
