
Call for Tutorials

The Summer School on Real-World Crypto and Privacy, Croatia, represents one of the well-known and visited summer schools in the domain of security and privacy. Established in 2014, it soon attracted a large number of participants, and in 2024, there were more than 160 participants.

This event provides a variety of topics on all domains of security and privacy and attracts participants from academia, industry, government, and beyond.

The Summer School on Real-World Crypto and Privacy 2025 will happen in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from June 30 to July 4. The event website is available at:

Following their success in previous years, we will again offer tutorials during the summer school. To this end, we invite proposals of interest for 3-hour (half-day) and 6-hour (full-day) tutorials during the summer school.

We encourage tutorials that imply active participation and include some hands-on sessions.

Proposals on any topic of broad interest to the security/privacy community are welcome.

The proposal should be a 2-page PDF clearly stating the following information:

  1. 1) The tutorial title.
  2. 2) The speaker(s), including name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es).
  3. 3) The abstract of up to 500 words. These details will be displayed on the website as the default description for the tutorial if it is accepted.
  4. 4) The expected number of people attending the tutorial.
  5. 5) A description of who might be interested in the tutorial.
  6. 6) A statement of predicted audience background and required knowledge.
  7. 7) A statement of logistical requirements (e.g., room organization, beamer, flipchart, etc.).
  8. 8) (optional but highly encouraged) A description of any interactive activity or demo planned within the tutorial presentation.

Proposals (and/or any questions) should be submitted by email to the tutorial chair: stjepan.picek@ru.nl

Noting the following deadlines:

  • Submission: January 30, 2025
  • Notification: February 15, 2025

One speaker (in case of multiple tutorial speakers) for accepted proposals will be offered complimentary registration to Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy 2025, plus accommodation for up to 5 days in the school venue.

Please note that tutorials will not allow an online participation option and people who propose tutorials, we expect them to come themselves.